Sunday, March 31st, 2024 is Transgender Day of Visibility.
The OUT Georgia Business Alliance recognizes the exceptional central work of our TGXI business leaders and professionals and is grateful for the statement below from our TGX360 Advisory Council:

On Transgender Day of Visibility, it is an opportunity to show ourselves for who we are: business professionals and leaders, entrepreneurs, Veterans, parents, children and most importantly: human beings. Our gender identity is not the sum of who we are, but rather a gleaming facet to be reflected upon.
When we show the world who we are, we inspire the next generation to live up to their full potential.

In light of recent years’ hostilities towards the trans, gender expansive and intersex community, it’s essential to boldly affirm our identities. Celebrating aspects of ourselves that others try to hang about our neck like an albatross is necessary to affirm that we are a myriad of things, that we define ourselves, and celebrate our triumphs. 

From the very start, TGXI people were fundamental to paving the way for a vibrant community who continue to win civil rights in spite of constant efforts to erase us. When interviewed by a reporter about why a group of gays and lesbians was demonstrating in the 1970s, Marsha P. Johnson, a Black trans woman shouted into the microphone, “darling, I want my gay rights now!” 

Chella Man, a deaf, Asian visual artist, transgender and disability activist said “all of who I am now lies on a continuum – I no longer operate to fulfill roles that were illusions to begin with.” 

TDOV is not just a celebration; it is a call to action. It challenges us to ponder what new milestones we will achieve and how we will forge paths for future generations, ensuring a world where everyone is recognized, respected, and free to express all facets of their identity.  

What ground will we break in the coming days, weeks, and years?
How will we choose to blaze a trail and light the path for those who come after us?
Who will we stand beside to ensure future generations are accepted and allowed to live peacefully and enjoy all facets of themselves? 
On this day, and every day, we celebrate all of our facets, successes, and lives.

TDOV is a reminder that our diversity is our strength, and by coming together in visibility, we foster a more inclusive world for ourselves and for the generations that follow.

By not only acknowledging our visibility it also reinforces our unbreakable spirit and the importance of creating inclusive spaces that embrace all aspects of our identities.

Transgender Day of Visibility: we honor the vibrant spirit and unyielding resilience of our trans and non-binary members and allies by amplifying their voices and sharing their unique experiences.

Not familiar with TGX 360?
See our 2023 Year in Review Video to get to know how our leaders are informing change.

Encourage TGXI inclusivity in your workplace: view our TGX 360 video on Pronouns.